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I Put the verb in brckets in the correct tense

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Variant III

I. A. Put the verb in brackets in the correct tense.

Every boy and girl (know) that there (be) hundreds of different animals in the world. And yet, if you asked the question what your favourite animal is, almost every boy and girl (answer) without hesitation, 'The dog’.

All (agree) that the dog (be) the best companion for children. Mr. Dog always (enter) so thoroughly into the games and enjoyment of his little master or mistress. He quickly (understand) what (require) of him.

You (ever / see) St. Bernard dogs? Many years ago they (name) so after a monastery high up in the Alps. After the monks (breed) them, the dogs (use) (guide) travellers through the snowbound passes. If a traveller (stray) from his pass and (become) lost in the snowdrifts, the dogs (rescue) him. The dogs (work) in pairs. When they (find) the traveller, who (lie) in the snow, they (try) to dig him out. If the dogs (not / can / help) the man, one of them (go) back to the monastery (fetch) the monks while the other (remain) with the lost who perhaps (get) some injuries.

Since that time St. Bernard dogs (be) the most intelligent and devoted to their masters.

B. Write five questions to the text.

II. Choose the right answer.

1. She wasn't able to carry all these suitcases by herself. Somebody (help) her.

A had helped

B must have helped

C was to help

D should help

2. Harry’s room is (expensive) of all the rooms, but he can afford it.

A most expensive

B so expensive

C expensivest

D the most expensive

3. There was nobody at home, …?

A was there

B were they

C weren’t they

D wasn’t they

4. You (sing) a lovely song when I entered the room. What was it?

A sang

B had sung

C was singing

D were singing

5. We had better (hurry up) if we want to get there before dark.

A to hurry up

B hurry up

C hurried up

D hyrring up

6. I heard the clock (strike) ten a long time ago.

A to strike

B struck

C strike

D has struck

7. If Tom (work) hard, we pass his exams.

A works

B will work

C has worked

D worked

8 I miss you, I wish you (stay) with us.

A stay

B staying

C to stay

D stayed

9. The man is … least 70 years old.

A in the

B on the

C in

D at

10. My aunt (be / not) South America yet.

A hadn't been to

B wasn't in

C hasn't been to

D hasn't been

11. The car isn’t worth (repair) …

A to repair

B repairing

C to be repaired

D being repaired

12. Mom isn’t at home. She … the shops and she’ll be back soon.

A has gone to

B has been to

C has been in

D went to

13. Jenny kept on (talk) although her husband asked her to stop.

A to talk

B talking

C talked

D talk

14. The detective made Mr. Folgers (pay) … the bill.

A pay

B to pay

C paid

D would pay

15. I have lived in London for a long time, so I … the traffic.

A quite used to

B get used

C am quite used to

D was quite used to

16. I thought I (throw) my scarf into the back of the wardrobe, but I couldn’t find it there.

A was throwing

B have thrown

C had thrown

D threw

17. We were rather surprised … the price of the dress.

A of

B about

C at

D in

18. I’d like two (dozen) eggs.

A dozen

B dozens

C dozens of

D dozen of

19. We need …

A an other chair

B another chair

C another chairs

D one other chair

20. … first hand news.

A these are

B those are

C this is

D they are

21. You … use your knowledge more effectively.

A are to

B must to

C may

D should

22. A lot of people (lock) in the Tower.

A were locked

B have been locked

C are locked

D are being locked

23. He had … interest in any kind of sport.

A a few

B little

C a little

D few

24. It’s rather late. I think I (take) a taxi.

A can

B am to take

C have to take

D will take

25. After it (stop) raining, we went out.

A stopped

B has stopped

C had stopped

D would stop

III. Translate the sentences from Russian into English.

1. Мой старший брат только что вернулся из школы. 2. Она спросила меня, где я купил эту книгу. 3. Сколько времени вам понадобилось, чтобы добраться до аэропорта? 4. Эта пьеса интересней той. 5. Том не ходит ни в кино, ни в театр. Его жена тоже. 6. Вы не будете против, если я закрою окно? В комнате чересчур холодно. 6. Что ты собираешься делать в воскресенье? 7. Она заставила меня повторить весь рассказ с самого начала. 9. Что ты делал, когда я звонил тебе? 10. Москва была основана Юрием Долгоруким.


  1.  Read the article and do the tasks that follow.


Planning is an essential ingredient for a successful business. The type of business which needs most careful thought is the one you start from scratch. But you don't need an original idea to have a good business. If you are worried about starting from scratch, you might want to think about buying a business that is already running.

Talking to people who have already started up their own business is very useful. You can learn a great deal from both successful businesses and those that have failed. Your Enterprise Agency or Chamber of Commerce may run business clubs where you can meet other small business owners.

Not having enough finance, which is one of the most common problems in small business, can be fatal. It is easy to underestimate the amount of money you will need to start up your business. The time that you spend working out your cash needs and monitoring cashflow is time well-spent.

You should have at least a basic understanding of trading laws, which protect consumers, employees, the general public and businesses as well.

Failure to respect these laws could even be a crime. For example, every employee whose employment continues for one month or more has the right to receive a written statement, which is a sort of contract with the terms and details of their employment. Your local tax office will send you documents that show you how much you need to take out of each employee's wages, and where to send the money.

1. Complete the sentences.

1. An essential ingredient for a successful business is ____________ .

2. First, you must decide ____________ .

3. It is very useful ____________ .

4. You can meet other small business owners ____________ .

5. One of the most common problems for start-ups is ____________ .

6. You should know ____________ .

7. Every employee has the right ____________ .

8. Your local tax office sends ____________ .

2. Match the word with the definition.




to start a job or activity from the beginning.




to be unable to run a business because of a lack of money.


start from scratch


to think that something is less important than it is really is.




calculate an answer, amount, price, value; to think carefully about how you are going to do something and plan a good way of doing it.




to carefully watch and check a situation in order to see how it changes or progresses over a period a time.


work out


to keep someone from or something from harm, damage, or illness.

3. Translate the text.

1. АТТЕСТАЦИЯ ВОПРОСЫ К ЭКЗАМЕНУ История анатомии и физиологии русские врачи анатомы и физиологиП
2. Контрольная работа По дисциплине Криминалистика Вариант ’ 3
3. Герои
4. а класса Латышко Н
5. українських літературних взаємин у працях М
6. Введение В любой системе научного знания есть проблемы интерес к которым постоянен и не зависит от смены т
7. Торжество земледелия
8. Сравнительное исследование эффективности методов сортировки Флойда и Шелла
9. Электр тогыны~ т~рлері
11. Контрольная работа по Нарушение темпоритмической организации речи Классификация заикания
12. а АХРР Цель- художественнодокументальное запечатление событий style like передвижники конца 19 в Бакшее
13. дипломная работа сведения об исполнителе Ф
14. тема состоящая из двух или большего числа веществ и имеющая переменный состав в некотором интервале соотнош
15. Финансы сущность и функции
16. 20 г Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего
17. Диоксины - фундаментальный фактор техногенного загрязнения живой и неживой природы
18. 10 R17 R17 1 начало выход Сохранение регистров в стек Инкремент текущего разряда Тек
19. Развитие бэнкинга в арабских странах
20. Первые бортовые ЭВМ ракетно-космических комплексов и их создатели