Поможем написать учебную работу
Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.

Предоплата всего

Если у вас возникли сложности с курсовой, контрольной, дипломной, рефератом, отчетом по практике, научно-исследовательской и любой другой работой - мы готовы помочь.
Предоплата всего
Міністерство освіти і науки України
Національна металургійна академія України
Криворізький коксохімічний технікум
Методичний посібник з англійської мови
для студентів І курсу зі спеціальностей
ХКУ 5.05060403, ОМП 5.05050205,
АТВ 05050201, АК 04010101,
ТТП 05060104, КВ 05130104.
Посібник розроблений
викладачем іноземної мови
Алексієнко Н.М.
Lesson 1
We are Ukrainians
Ukraine is our native country. It is an independent sovereign democratic state.
Life of youth in Ukraine is determined by the economic, social and political life of the country.
Our country pursues a policy of piece. Nowadays Ukraine establishes new relations with many countries. We have been recognized by a vast number of countries.
The Ukrainian youth is playing very important role in democratic changes. Youth are the future of each nation, of each country. I am proud to be the citizen of Ukraine.
Our country has a long history. It has its own original culture and art.
We have preserved very ancient traditions. Ukrainians are very hospitable people.
I like my country very much.
Native |
[neitiv] |
рідний |
independent |
[indi'pendent] |
незалежний |
sovereign |
[sovrin] |
суверенний |
to determine |
[di'te:min] |
визначати |
nowadays |
[nauedeiz] |
в наші дні |
to pursue |
[pe'sju:] |
переслідувати |
to establish |
[is'tebli ʃ] |
установлювати |
relations |
[rilei ʃn] |
відношення |
to recognize |
['rekegnaiz] |
визнавати |
to be proud |
[praud] |
пишатися |
citizen |
[sitizn] |
громадянин |
to preserve |
[pri'ze:v] |
зберігати |
ancient |
[ein ʃnt] |
стародавній |
hospitable |
[hospitebl] |
гостинний |
Exercise 1.
Answer the questions:
Exercise 2.
True or false?
2. Life of youth in Ukraine is determined by the economic, social and political life of the country.
3. Our country pursues a policy of war.
4. Youth are the future of each nation, of each country.
5. Ukrainians are very inhospitable people.
Exercise 3.
Complete word-combinations.
independent sovereign democratic |
very important role |
life of |
the citizen of Ukraine |
to pursue |
new relations |
original |
people |
to preserve |
state |
to play |
youth |
hospitable |
changes |
to be |
culture and art |
democratic |
very ancient traditions |
to establish |
a policy of piece |
Lesson 2
My Family
My name is Victor. I am fifteen years old. I have a family.
There are 4 of us in our family: my mother, father, my elder brother and me. I think our family is friendly, united. We spend much time together, go for a walk in the woods, visit theatres, museums, and go to the cinema. My mother's name is Luidmila Mikhailovna. She is an engineer. She is a kind, nice woman. She can cook very well. My father's name is Konstantin Alexeevich. He is a sailor. He is a strong, clever man. He often tells me interesting stories about different countries. My brother's name is Alexei. He is 22 years old. He studies in Far-Eastern State Marine Academy.
We have got a lot of relatives: cousins, aunts and uncles, because my granny has a son and two daughters, five grandchildren, two nieces and one nephew.
I think home is the nicest place. As proverb says, "East or West, home is best". There is no place more delightful than home and there are no people more dear than your relatives.
united |
[ju:ʹnaıtıd] |
згуртований |
woods |
[wʋd] |
ліс |
kind |
[kaind] |
добрий |
cook |
[cuk] |
готувати |
sailor |
[seilә] |
моряк |
strong |
[strɔɳ] |
сильний |
clever |
[klevә] |
розумний |
different |
[difәrәnt] |
різний |
marine |
[mәri:n] |
морський |
relative |
[relәtiv] |
родич |
cousin |
[k˄zn] |
двоюрідний брат, сестра |
aunt |
[a:nt] |
тітка |
uncle |
[˄ɳkl] |
дядько |
son |
[s˄n] |
син |
daughter |
[dɔ:tә] |
дочка |
grandchildren |
[grӕntʃildrәn] |
внуки |
niece |
[ni:s] |
племінниця |
nephew |
[nevju:] |
племінник |
nicest |
[naisist] |
наймиліший |
proverb |
[prɔv3:b] |
прислівя |
delightful |
[dilaitfәl] |
чарівний, чудовий |
dear |
[diә] |
дорогий |
Exercise 1.
Answer the questions.
Exercise 2.
Complete a story about your family.
Exercise 3.
Complete word-combinations.
to go |
interesting stories |
friendly, united |
the cinema |
"East or West, |
very well |
to tell |
much time together |
to go to |
a lot of relatives |
to cook |
for a walk |
to have got |
home is best" |
to spend |
family |
Lesson 3
Accountant |
[əkauntənt] |
Бухгалтер |
Architect |
[a:kitekt] |
Архітектор |
Builder |
[bildə] |
Будівельник |
Bus driver |
[b˄s draivə] |
Водій автобусу |
Dentist |
[dentist] |
Дантист |
Electrician |
[eliktriʃən] |
Електрик |
Farmer |
[fa:mə] |
Фермер |
Hairdresser |
[hɛədresə] |
Перукар |
Lawyer |
[lɔiə] |
Адвокат |
Mechanic |
[mikænik] |
Механік |
Plumber |
[pl˄mə] |
Водопровідник |
Scientist |
[saiəntist] |
Науковець |
Journalist |
[dʒə:nəlist] |
Журналіст |
Painter |
[peintə] |
Художник |
Doctor |
[dɔktə] |
Лікар |
Tailor |
[teilə] |
Кравець |
Politician |
[pɔlitiʃən] |
Політик |
Waiter/Waitress |
[weitə/weitrəs] |
Офіціант/ка |
Policeman/Policewoman |
[pəli:smən/pəli:swumən] |
Полісмен/Жінка |
Soldier |
[səueldʒə] |
Солдат |
Exercise 1.
Make sentences.
Accountant a person that paints pictures.
Policeman/Policewoman a person that repairs your water systems or pipes.
Plumber a member of the police force.
Builder a person that works in the science industry.
Painter a person that works at a restaurant.
Mechanic a person that repairs machines, especially car motors.
Architect a person that builds houses using bricks.
Farmer a person that designs building and houses.
Scientist a person who works for the army.
Waiter/Waitress a person that works on a farm, usually with animals.
Soldier a person that works with the money and accounts of a company.
Exercise 2.
Read and translate the dialogues.
A: What do you do, Mr. Collins?
B: Im a biologist.
A: Do you like your profession?
B: Very much. Biology is a very interesting science.
A: Have you ever tried anything else?
B: No, ever. I was attracted to biology even as a schoolboy.
A: Do you like your new job?
B: Yes, very much. Its just my line.
A: What is your occupation?
B: Im a translator. I do translations from English into Russian.
A: What kind of translations are they?
B: I translate books and articles about electronics.
A: Will you please tell me about your occupation?
B: Im an engineer at a design institute.
A: What does your institute do?
B: We design hydro-electric power stations.
A: Do you have any orders from abroad?
B: Yes, we have close business relations with many foreign countries. I have to travel very much. Thats why Im learning English.
Lesson 4
I. Complete the sentences using listed words and word- combinations…
1. I like…
2. I dislike…
3. I hate ...
4. I dont mind
to vacuum the carpet
to polish the furniture
to sharpen knives
to repair electrical appliances
to sweep the floor
to wash plates
to clean the shoes to dust the furniture
to cook
to iron the clothes
to milk the cow
to weed the vegetable-beds
to sew a dress
to go shopping
to mend furniture
to feed animals
II. “Mind-maps”
III. Imagine that you are married. What household duties will have your wife/husband and you?
Write a small report.
Doing household chores is a necessary part of our life. I have a lot of duties. I sweep the floor, tidy my room, clean the shoes, dust the furniture, make food myself, and wash the dishes.
If I have time, my mother asks me to go to the shop. I go there and buy bread, eggs and sugar. Very often I go to the market with my mother. We buy some vegetables and fruits. Then I help my mother to carry them.
My mother cooks well; sometimes I help her when she makes cakes. She usually makes them before holidays and on my birthday.
We have got a country house. There is a big garden with many trees, bushes and flowers in it. There is a lot of work in our garden and I help my parents to do it.
I think it is necessary to help the parents and take care of them. Try to make people happy and you will be happy yourself!
household chore |
[houshəuld tʃɔ:] |
обовязок по господарству |
a lot of |
[æ lɔt ɔv] |
багато |
to sweep the floor |
[swi:p ðə flɔ:] |
підмітати підлогу |
to tidy a room |
[taidi æ ru:m] |
прибирати кімнату |
to dust the furniture |
[d˄st ðə fə:nitʃə] |
витирати пил |
to make food |
[məik fu:d] |
готувати їжу |
to wash the dishes |
[wə:ʃ ðə diʃiz] |
мити посуд |
to buy |
[bai] |
купувати |
bread |
[bred] |
хліб |
an egg |
[eg] |
яйце |
sugar |
[ʃugə] |
цукор |
market |
[ma:kit] |
базар |
a vegetable |
[vedʒətəbl] |
овоч |
to carry |
[kæri] |
нести |
cake |
[keik] |
торт |
country house |
[k˄ntri] |
будинок за містом |
a bush |
[buʃ] |
кущ |
necessary |
[nesəsəri] |
необхідно |
to take care |
[teik kɛə] |
піклуватися |
to try |
[trai] |
намагатися |
Exercise 1.
Answer the questions.
Exercise 2.
Fill in the chart.
Your everyday duties in the kitchen |
The way you clean your room |
Working in the countryside |
Preparing for a birthday party |
Exercise 3.
Complete the word-combinations.
to buy |
the furniture |
to help |
the shoes |
to sweep |
the dishes |
to tidy |
the market |
to have |
chores |
to dust |
happy |
to go to |
ones room |
to wash |
well |
to make people |
the floor |
to clean |
some vegetables and fruit |
to cook |
ones parents |
household |
a lot of duties |
Lesson 5
My choice
Many roads are opened before us. There are many professions in the world, so it is quite difficult to choose and make a decision.
Some follow their own choice, some follow parents' advice. Our town is an industrial town. Arcelor Mittal steel is the largest plant in Europe. Many of our students continue careers of their parents.
My father works at our plant too. I think that my future profession will be connected with this plant. I have already decided what profession to choose.
I want to become a mechanic. Our country is going through a difficult period now. I think it is very important to be a good specialist. I am sure that my profession can give me many opportunities.
We are living in the age of new technologies. And I think that the future is just filled with new equipment. I believe my speciality is really needed.
I hope I shall be a good specialist. That's why I must do well now.
road |
[rəud] |
дорога |
quite |
[kwait] |
цілком, зовсім |
difficult |
[difikəlt] |
складний |
to choose |
[tʃu:z] |
обирати |
make a decision |
[məik æ disiʒn] |
прийняти рішення |
follow |
[fɔləu] |
наслідувати |
choice |
[tʃɔis] |
вибір |
advice |
[ədvais] |
порада |
industrial |
[ind˄striəl] |
промисловий |
to continue |
[kəntinјu:] |
продовжувати |
career |
[kəriə] |
кар'ера |
to connect |
[kənekt] |
зєднувати, повязувати |
to go through |
[gəu Ɵru:] |
зазнавати |
important |
[impɔ:tənt] |
важливий |
to be sure |
[bi ʃuə] |
бути впевненим |
opportunitу |
[əpotјu:nəti] |
можливість |
to fill |
[fil] |
наповнювати |
equipment |
[ikwipmənt] |
обладнання |
to need |
[ni:d] |
потребувати |
to hope |
[həup] |
сподіватися |
Exercise 1.
Answer the questions.
Exercise 2.
Complete the word-combinations.
follow |
profession |
to be |
a decision |
my future |
a mechanic |
the age |
well |
make |
parents' advice |
do |
a good specialist |
to become |
of new technologies |
II. Imagine that you have a child. What profession will you recommend him/her and why?
III. Continue the sentences.
Lesson 7
Education in Britain
In England and Wales compulsory school begins at the age of five.But before that age children can go to a nursery school, also called play school. School is compulsory till the children are 16 years old.
In Primary School and First School children learn to read and write and the basis of arithmetic. In the higher classes of Primary School (or in Middle School) children learn geography, history, religion and, in some schools, a foreign language. Then children go to the Secondary School.
When students are 16 years old they may take an exam in various subjects in order to have a qualification. These qualifications can be either G.C.S.E. (General Certificate of Secondary Education) or "O level" (Ordinary level). After that students can either leave school and start working or continue their studies in the same school as before. If they continue, when they are 18, they have to take further examinations which are necessary for getting into university or college.
In England there are 47 universities, including the Open University which teaches via TV and radio, about 400 colleges and institutes of higher education. The oldest universities in England are Oxford and Cambridge. Generally, universities award two kinds of degrees: the Bachelor's degree and the Master's degree.
compulsory |
[kəmp˄lsəri] |
обовязковий |
age |
[eidʓ] |
вік |
nursery school |
[nɜ:səri sku:l] |
дитсадок |
till |
[til] |
доки |
Primary School |
[praiməri sku:l] |
Початкова школа |
learn |
[lɜ:n] |
вчити |
basis |
[beisis] |
основа |
arithmetic |
[əriθmətik] |
арифметика |
higher |
[haiə] |
тут.старший |
Middle School |
[midl sku:l] |
Середня школа |
geography |
[dʓiᴐgrəfi] |
географія |
history |
[histəri] |
історія |
religion |
[rilidʓən] |
релігія |
foreign language |
[fᴐrin læȵgwidʓ ] |
іноземна мова |
take an exam |
[teik æn igzæm] |
здавати іспит |
various |
[veəriəs] |
різноманітний |
subject |
[s˄bdʓekt] |
предмет |
in order to |
[in ᴐ:də tu ] |
для того щоб |
qualification |
[kwᴐlifikəiʃn] |
кваліфікація |
G.C.S.E. (General Certificate of Secondary Education) |
[dʓenərəl sətifikət ᴐv sekəndəri edjukeiʃn ] |
Основне свідоцтво про освіту |
"O level" (Ordinary level). |
[əu levəl] |
Звичайний рівень |
leave |
[li:v] |
залишати |
continue |
[kəntinju:] |
продовжувати |
further |
[fɜ:ðə] |
подальший |
including |
[inklu:diȵ] |
включаючи |
higher education |
[haiə edjukeiʃn] |
вища освіта |
award |
[əwᴐ:d] |
присвоювати |
the Bachelor's degree |
[ðə bətʃələz digri:] |
Ступінь бакалавра |
the Master's degree |
[ðə ma:stəz digri:]] |
Ступінь магістра |
Exercise 1.
Answer the questions.
1. When does compulsory school begin?
2. How long does a child stay in compulsory school?
3. What subjects do children learn in Primary School?
4. What kind of exam do students have to take when they are 16?
5. Do students have to leave school at the age of 16 or to continue their studies?
6. How many universities are there in England?
7. What is the Open University?
8. What kinds of degrees do universities award?
Exercise 2.
Fill in the chart.
Education in Britain
Name of the educational establishment |
Subjects |
Children can get a document |
Children till the age of five |
Children at the age of five |
Children at the age of sixteen |
Higher educational establishments |
Education in Ukraine
Name of the educational establishment |
Subjects |
Children can get a document |
Children till the age of five |
Children at the age of five |
Children at the age of sixteen |
Higher educational establishments |
Lesson 8
Our technical school
Let me tell you about our technical school. I study at the Coke-Chemical technical school. I am a first-year student. I am a full-time year student. I am really glad that I study there.
Our technical school is large. More than 1000 students study there. There are many departments (faculties). Here some of them: the faculty of cryogenics, the faculty of industrial automation, the faculty of coke technology, the faculty of economical statistics.
The whole course of study at the technical school lasts four years. The academic year is divided into two terms. At the end of each term students pass examinations. We are taught by qualified teachers. We study different subjects: Ukrainian, English, German, Foreign Literature, History, Geography, Biology, Physics, Mathematics, Programming, different special subjects, etc.
Our technical school is a three-storeyed building situated in one of the residential districts of our town. There are light and high auditoria for lectures and practical works including a computer class with Internet. Our technical school has a rich library. A great variety of books and periodicals are at the disposal of our students.
We have all possibilities to study well and in four years Ill be a good mechanic.
full-time year student |
студент очного відділення |
to be glad |
бути радим |
departments (faculties) |
відділення(факультети) |
the faculty of cryogenics |
Факультет кріогеніки |
the faculty of industrial automation |
Факультет промислової автоматизації |
the faculty of coke technology |
Факультет коксового виробництва |
the faculty of economical statistics |
Факультет економічної статистики |
whole course |
увесь курс |
to last |
тривати |
to divide |
ділити |
term |
семестр |
to pass examinations |
здавати екзамени |
qualified teachers |
кваліфіковані вчителі |
Foreign Literature |
зарубіжна література |
three-storeyed |
трьох-поверховий |
building |
будівля |
residential district |
житловий район |
high |
високий |
rich library |
багата бібліотека |
a great variety |
величезне різномаїття |
to be at the disposal |
бути в розпорядженні |
possibility |
можливість |
Exercise 1.
Answer the questions.
Exercise 2.
True or false?
Exercise 3.
Fill in the chart.
The name of our technical school |
The faculties at KCCTS |
Training course (duration, exams, diploma) |
Subjects |
Educational facilities |
Your future profession |
Exercise 4.
Make word-combinations.
a full-time |
library |
pass |
technical school |
the faculty of |
teachers |
a rich |
technology |
a first-year |
automation |
industrial |
statistics |
Coke-Chemical |
student |
economical |
examinations |
coke |
cryogenics |
qualified |
year student |
Lesson 9
Geographical position of Ukraine
Ukraine is one of the largest countries in Europe. Its territory is about 603,700 square kilometers.
Ukraine boarders on Poland, Slovakia, Hungary in the west, on Romania, Moldova in the south, on Russia in the east, on Byelorus in the north.
The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. The largest cities of Ukraine are: Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Odessa, Lviv, Luhansk, Kryvyi Rih, Zaporizhzhia, Simferopol. Ukraine consists of 24 regions.
The population of Ukraine is about 50 million people.
95% of Ukraine is flat. The rest of it is covered by mountains. The Carpathians are in the west and the Crimean Mountains are in the south of the country.
Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. There are also many rivers in Ukraine. The main river of Ukraine is the Dnipro, the third longest river in Europe. The Dnipro divides Ukraine into Right-bank and Left-bank territories.
The other big rivers are: the Dnister, the Bug, the Desna, the Pripiat.
There are also many lakes in Ukraine. The largest of them are Svitiaz and Yalpukh.
Our country is rich in natural resources. There are huge reserves of coal and iron, valuable deposits of manganese ore, oil, gas, nickel, graphite, marble, bauxites and rare metals.
Geographical position |
[dʓiəgræfikəl pəziʃn] |
географічне положення |
to boarder |
[bᴐ:də] |
межувати |
Hungary |
[h˄ȵgəri] |
Угорщина |
west |
[west] |
захід |
south |
[sauθ] |
південь |
east |
[i:st] |
схід |
north |
[nᴐ:θ] |
північ |
to consist of |
[kənsist] |
складатися з |
region |
[ri:dʓən] |
регіон, область |
population |
[pᴐpjəleiʃən] |
населення |
flat |
[flæt] |
рівнинний |
rest |
[rest] |
залишок |
to cover |
[k˄və] |
покривати |
mountain |
[mauntin] |
гора |
to wash |
[wᴐʃ] |
омивати |
to divide |
[divaid] |
ділити |
lake |
[leik] |
озеро |
rich |
[ritʃ] |
багатий |
natural resources |
[nætʃərəl risᴐ:s] |
природні ресурси |
huge reserves |
[hju:dʓ rizɜ:v] |
величезні запаси |
coal |
[kəul] |
вугілля |
valuable deposit |
[væljuəbl dipᴐzit] |
цінні поклади |
rare metal |
[reə metəl] |
рідкісні метали |
Exercise 1.
Read the text once and choose the correct answer.
1. Ukraine is one of the …. countries in Europe.
a) largest b) smallest
2. Ukraine borders on…..countries.
a) six b) seven
3. The capital of Ukraine is…..
a) Dnipropetrovsk b) Kyiv
4. The population of Ukraine is …..
a) about 10 million people b) about 50 million people
5. ….per cent of Ukraine is covered by mountains.
a) 5 b) 95
6. The Carpathians are ……., the Crimea Mountains are….
a) in the south, in the west b) in the west, in the south
7. Ukraine is washed by…. seas.
a) two b) three
8. Ukraine is… in natural resources.
a) poor b) rich
9. The main river in Ukraine is….
a) the Bug b) the Dnipro
10. There are….lakes in Ukraine.
a) a lot of b) few
Exercise 2.
Answer the questions.
Exercise 3.
Prove the following.
Exercise 4.
Complete the sentences.
1. Ukraines territory is about ….
2. Ukraine boarders on …..
3. The capital of Ukraine …
4. The largest cities of Ukraine …..
5. Ukraine consists …
6. The population of Ukraine …
7. The Carpathians are …… and the Crimean Mountains are ….. of the country.
8. Ukraine is washed by ….
9. The main river of Ukraine …
10. Ukraine is rich ….
Exercise 5.
Fill in the chart.
1. The territory of Ukraine |
2. Ukraine borders on |
3. Ukraine consists of |
4. The capital of Ukraine |
5. The largest cities of Ukraine |
6. The population of Ukraine |
7. The highest mountain |
8. Ukraine is washed by |
9. The longest river |
10. The largest lakes |
11. Natural resources |
Lesson 10
The Constitution of Ukraine
On June 28, 1996 the Supreme Rada of Ukraine has adopted the Constitution of Ukraine, the Fundamental Law. The 28th of June has been proclaimed a state holiday.
The Constitution establishes the countrys political system, secures rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, and the basis for all its laws.
According to the Constitution the head of the state is the President, who is elected directly by the voters for a term of five years with no more than two full terms.
The Supreme Rada is the only body of the legislative power of Ukraine. There are 450 peoples deputies who are elected for a term of four years.
The highest body of the executive power is the Cabinet of Ministers. It is responsible to the President and accountable to the Supreme Rada.
Justice in Ukraine is exercised entirely by courts. The Supreme Court of Ukraine is the highest juridical body of general jurisdiction.
The Constitution of Ukraine consists of 15 chapters, 161 articles.
adopt |
[ədɔpt] |
приймати |
law |
[lɔ:] |
закон |
proclaim |
[prəkleim] |
проголошувати |
state |
[steit] |
держава, державний |
establish |
[istæbliʃ] |
встановлювати |
secure |
[sikјuə] |
гарантувати |
freedom |
[fri:dəm] |
свобода |
duty |
[dјu:ti] |
обовязок |
citizen |
[sitizən] |
громадянин |
basis |
[beisis] |
основа |
elect |
[ilekt] |
обирати |
voter |
[voutɔ] |
виборець |
legislative |
[ledʒislətiv] |
законодавчий |
executive |
[igzekјutiv] |
виконавчий |
responsible |
[rispɔnsəbl] |
відповідальний |
accountable |
[əkauntəbl] |
підзвітний |
justice |
[dʒ˄stis] |
правосуддя |
court |
[kɔ:t] |
суд |
chapter |
[tʃæptə] |
розділ |
article |
[a:tikl] |
стаття |
Exercise 1.
Answer the questions.
1).When has the Supreme Rada adopted the Constitution of Ukraine?
2). What does the Constitution establish?
3). What does the Constitution secure?
4). Who is the head of the state according to the Constitution?
5). What is the Supreme Rada?
6). What is the highest body of the executive power?
7). What is the Supreme Court?
8). What does the Constitution consist of?
Exercise 2.
True or faulse?
1. On May 28, 1996 the Supreme Rada has adopted the Constitution of Ukraine.
2. The 28th of June has been proclaimed a state holiday.
3. The head of the state is the Cabinet of Ministers.
4. The Supreme Rada is the only body of the executive power.
5. The Cabinet of Ministers is responsible to the President and accountable to the Supreme Rada.
6. Justice in Ukraine is exercised entirely by courts.
7. The Constitution of Ukraine consists of 17 chapters, 100 articles.
Exercise 3.
Make word-combinations.
The Supreme Ministers
The fundamental Court
The body of Rada
To secure Law
To be elected by rights, freedoms, duties
450 peoples the executive power
The Cabinet of the legislative power
A state the voters
The head of the holiday
Exercise 4.
Make a mind-map.
- is the Fundamental Law
- establishes the countrys political system
- secures rights, freedoms and duties of citizens
- consists of 15 chapters, 161 articles
- is the head of the state
- is elected directly by the voters for a term of
five years
- is the only body of the legislative power
- consists of 450 peoples deputies
- is the highest body of the executive power
- is responsible to the President and accountable to the Supreme Rada
- is exercised entirely by courts
Lesson 11
Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine. It is one of the most ancient cities. In 1982 it was 1500 years old. It was called “The Mother of All Russian Cities”. It is has the population of above 2.5 million people. Its total area is 790 square kilometers.
Kyiv lies on both banks of the Dnieper, one of the longest rivers in Ukraine. Kyiv is one of the greenest cities in the world; it has 18 square meters of greenery for a person.
Kyiv is an industrial, scientific and cultural centre of Ukraine. Kyiv is one of the oldest cities and has many places of interest. Among them is the Golden Gate, which is about a thousand years old. On the Sophias Square there is St. Sophias Cathedral. There is the monastery ensemble, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, which was founded in the 11th century in Kyiv.
There are many fine museums in Kyiv: the State Historical Museum, the Museum of Ukrainian Art and so on. Kyiv is the city of theatres. It is famous for its theatres such as the Taras Shevchenko Opera and Ballet Theatre, the Ivan Franko Ukrainian Drama Theatre, the Lesya Ukrainka Russian Drama Theatre and others.
Kyiv is the centre of science and education. Many scientific research institutes, colleges and universities are in Kyiv.
capital |
[kæpitəl] |
столиця |
ancient |
[eintʃənt] |
старовинний |
to be called |
[bi kᴐ:ld] |
називатися |
population |
[pᴐpjuleiʃn] |
населення |
area |
[eəriə] |
площа |
liе |
[lai] |
лежати |
bank |
[bæȵk] |
берег |
greenery |
[gri:nəri] |
зелень |
scientific |
[saiəntifik] |
науковий |
cultural |
[k˄ltʃərəl] |
культурний |
Gate |
[geit] |
ворота |
Square |
[skweə] |
площа |
Cathedral |
[kəθi:drəl] |
собор |
to be founded |
[bi faundid] |
бути заснованим |
famous |
[feiməs] |
відомий |
education |
[edjukeiʃn] |
освіта |
research |
[risɜ:tʃ] |
дослідницький |
Exercise 1.
Answer the questions.
1. What is the capital of Ukraine?
2. What is the population of Kiev?
3. What is the total area of Kiev?
4. What centre is Kiev?
5. What places of interest are there in Kiev?
6. What museums are there in Kiev?
7. What theaters are there in Kiev?
8. Why Kiev is the centre of science and education?
Exercise 2.
True or false?
There is the monastery ensemble, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra, which was founded in the 19th century in Kyiv.
Exercise 3.
Complete the chart about Kiev.
Age of the city |
Its population |
Its total area |
Its river |
Its places of interest |
Its museums |
Its theatres |
Its universities |
Exercise 4.
Make word-combinations.
places of |
of Ukraine |
Golden |
Cathedral |
Taras Shevchenko |
Russian Drama Theatre |
ancient |
area |
St. Sophias |
interest |
the capital |
Gate |
total |
institutes |
The Mother of |
city |
the Lesya Ukrainka |
Opera and Ballet Theatre |
scientific research |
All Russian Cities |
Lesson 12
Ukraine has given the world many brilliant names in literature, science, art, etc. Ukrainian culture is famous for its rich and ancient traditions. The names of Taras Shevchenko, Ivan Franko, Lesya Ukrainka, Mykhailo Kotsyubynsky are known in the whole world. By UNESCO decisions the anniversaries of their births are celebrated worldwide. Great contribution to the world historical science was made by such prominent Ukrainian historians as Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Mykhailo Drahomanov and Ivan Krypyakevich. Mykhailo Hrushevsky was the first President of the Ukrainian People's Republic.
The scientific activity and life of many world famous scientists such as V. Vernadsky, D. Zabolotny, A. Bohomolets, M. Sklifosovsky, M. Strazhevsky are closely connected with Ukraine.
Ukrainian opera singers are warmly received in many countries. The best known soloists are Anatoly Solovyanenko, Yevheniya Miroshnichenko, Dmytro Hnatyuk. Ukraine takes an active part in the world cultural process. Ukrainian orchestras, singers, ballet masters visit different countries every year.
Outstanding |
[autstændiȵ] |
видатний |
science |
[saiəns] |
наука |
art |
[a:t] |
мистецтво |
culture |
[k˄ltʃə] |
культура |
famous |
[feiməs] |
видатний |
rich |
[ritʃ] |
багатий |
ancient |
[eintʃənt] |
старовинний, давній |
decision |
[disiʓn] |
рішення |
anniversary |
[ænivɜ:səri] |
річниця |
birth |
[bɜ:θ] |
народження |
celebrate |
[seləbreit] |
святкування |
contribution |
[kᴐntribjuʃən] |
внесок |
singer |
[siȵə] |
співак |
receive |
[risi:v] |
приймати |
to take an active part |
[teik æn æktiv pa:t ] |
приймати активну участь |
orchestra |
[ᴐ:kistrə] |
оркестр |
Exercise 1.
Answer the questions.
1. What is Ukrainian culture famous for?
2. What Ukrainian names are known in the whole world?
3. Who made great contribution to the world historical science?
4. Who was Mykhailo Hrushevsky?
5. What world famous scientists are closely connected with Ukraine?
6. What are the best known Ukrainian soloists?
7. Does Ukraine take an active part in the world cultural process?
Exercise 2.
True or false?
1. Ukraine has given the world many brilliant names in literature, science, art, etc.
2. By UNESCO decisions the anniversaries of famous Ukrainians are celebrated only in Ukraine.
3. Mykhailo Hrushevsky was the second President of the Ukrainian Peoples Republic.
4. Ukrainian opera singers are warmly received in many countries.
5. Ukraine takes a passive part in the world cultural process.
Exercise 3.
Fill in the gaps.
1. Ukraine has given the world many ………………. in literature, science, art, etc.
2. Ukrainian culture is famous for its …………………….
3. …………. to the world historical science was made by such prominent Ukrainian historians as Mykhailo Hrushevsky, Mykhailo Dragomanov, Ivan Krypyakevich.
4. Ukrainian opera singers are …………… in many countries.
5. Ukraine ………………. in the world cultural process.
Lesson 13
Taras Shevchenko
National Bard of Ukraine and a noted artist Taras Shevchenko was born on March, 9, 1814 in the family of serf peasants in the village of Moryntsi (today in Cherkassy Region).
In his childhood he liked to draw pictures, and his first teacher was the artist who lived in that village.
When Taras was fourteen years old, his teacher took him as a houseboy to Vilno (Vilnius). There, for the first time of his life, he heard foreign speech.
Then his teacher took Taras to Petersburg where Karl Bryullov, a Russian artist, noticed Shevchenko's talent and bought him out of serfdom.
From 1838 to 1845 Shevchenko was a student at the Academy of Arts. He drew many beautiful pictures there, but his second and main calling was poetry. Taras Shevchenko wrote his poems in Ukrainian, and his prose in Ukrainian and in Russian. In 1840 he published his first book "Kobzar", and a year later "Haidamaki", a historical poem about the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian peasants against the Polish lords in 1788.
In 1844 the poet wrote his satirical poem "A Dream" for which Nicolas 1 exiled him to the Kazakh steppes to serve as a private in the army.
His friends helped Shevchenko to return from exile in 1857. He resumed work in the Academy and continued to write, but ten years of exile had ruined the poet's health, and on March, 10, 1861 he died.
The poet's grave, as he willed, is on a high Dnieper bank in Kaniv not far from the village where he was born.
be born |
[bi bᴐ:n] |
бути народженим |
serf peasant |
[sɜ:f pezənt] |
кріпосний селянин |
childhood |
[tʃailhud] |
дитинство |
houseboy |
[hausbᴐi] |
хлопчик-прислужник |
foreign speech |
[fᴐrin spi:tʃ] |
іноземна мова |
notice |
[nəutis] |
помічати |
serfdom |
[sɜ:fdəm] |
кріпацтво |
calling |
[kᴐ:liȵ] |
покликання |
publish |
[p˄bliʃ] |
публікувати |
struggle |
[str˄gl] |
боротьба |
exile |
[egzail] |
заслання, засилати |
steppe |
[step] |
степ |
a private |
[praivit] |
солдат |
resume |
[rizju:m] |
поновлювати |
ruin |
[ru:in] |
руйнувати |
grave |
[greiv] |
могила |
Exercise 1.
Fill in the grid.
When? |
Main Life Events |
March, 9, 1814 |
was born in the family of serf peasants in the village of Moryntsi (today in Cherkassy Region) |
At the age of 14 |
was a student at the Academy of Arts, drew many pictures |
In 1840 and in 1841 |
In 1768 |
published a historical poem about the heroic struggle of the Ukrainian peasants against the polish lords |
wrote his satirical poem «A Dream", was exiled to the Kazakh steppes to serve in the army |
In 1857 |
died and was buried on a high Dnieper bank in Kaniv |
Exercise 2. Complete the word-combinations.
buy somebody out |
at the Academy of Arts |
the heroic struggle |
the poet's health |
poems |
speech |
ruin |
from exile |
the family |
as a private in the army |
foreign |
calling |
a student |
of serfdom |
to serve |
in Ukrainian |
main |
of serf peasants |
to return |
of the Ukrainian peasants |
Exercise 3. Answer the questions.
Lesson 14
Ukrainian holidays
There are dates and events in the life of our country that are memorable to every Ukrainian citizen. The dates of this kind are: Victory Day, May Day, Constitution Day, the Womens Day, Independence Day. These are national holidays; people do not work on these days.
The most memorable date is the Victory Day which is kept on the 9th of May. On this Day we celebrate the anniversary of the victory over fascism in the World War II. May Day is regarded as the day of solidarity of the workers of the world. The Womens Day is celebrated on the 8th of March. On this day you can see many men buying or carrying flowers. Children give their mothers presents or send them postcards if they are away from home. There are some religious holidays: Christmas and Easter. In Ukraine Christmas is marked on the 7th of January. On this day people celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Easter symbolizes the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Children like this holiday for traditional brightly painted boiled eggs and special Easter cakes.
There is one more holiday which is loved by everybody: New Years Eve. People decorate New Years trees with toys and lights. On the New Year night people go to a dance, visit their friends or stay at home and watch TV. Its my favorite holiday.
And, of course, one of the main holidays in Ukraine is the Independence Day, celebrated on the 24th of August. On this day in1991 the “Act of Independence of Ukraine” was proclaimed.
event |
[Ivent] |
подія |
memorable |
[memərəbl] |
незабутній |
citizen |
[sitizən] |
громадянин |
victory |
[viktəri] |
перемога |
be kept |
[be kept] |
відзначається |
celebrate |
[selibreit] |
святкувати |
anniversary |
[ænivɜ:səri] |
річниця |
be regarded |
[bi riga:did] |
відзначається |
buy |
[bai] |
купувати |
carry |
[kæri] |
нести |
Christmas |
[krisməs] |
Різдво |
Easter |
[i:stə] |
Великдень |
be marked |
[bi ma:kt] |
відзначається |
birth |
[bɜ:θ] |
народження |
resurrection |
[rezərekʃən] |
воскресіння |
decorate |
[dekəreit] |
прикрашати |
independence |
[indipendəns] |
незалежність |
proclaim |
[prəkleim] |
проголошувати |
Holiday |
Date |
What do we celebrate? |
How do we celebrate? |
the birth |
Day |
Easter symbolizes |
New Years trees with toys and lights |
“Act of |
boiled eggs |
national |
of the workers |
The Womens |
Independence of Ukraine” |
the anniversary |
cakes |
memorable to every |
holidays |
decorate |
of Jesus Christ |
special Easter |
the Resurrection of Jesus Christ |
traditional brightly painted |
of the victory over fascism |
the day of solidarity |
Ukrainian citizen |
1. The name of the holiday.
2. The date of this holiday.
3. What does it symbolize?
4. Where do you spend this holiday?
5. Why do you like this holiday?
Lesson 1
What kinds of art do you know?
Theatre Sculpture
Painting Literature
Art makes people think:
about life
the beauty around them
love of their country and its people.
Art wakes up peoples feelings, such as
and peace in the soul
Literature |
music |
theatre |
cinema |
painting |
Classical, Fiction, fantasy, lyric poetry, drama |
Classical, Pop, rock, R&B, jazz, techno |
Classical, modern |
Classical, modern American… |
Classical, Ukrainian, Russian… |
A story, a poem, a novel |
A song, a remix |
A performance (opera house, puppet show, musical, ballet) |
A film (thriller, melodrama, comedy, drama) |
A landscape, a portrait, an abstract picture |
My favourite auther… My favourite novel… |
My favourite singer(group)… |
My favourite performance… |
My favourite film… My favourite actor… |
My favourite painter… My favourite picture… |
I like literature because… |
I like music because… |
I like theatre because… |
I like cinema because… |
I like painting because… |
1. I am fond of theatre.
2. Most of all I like the performance “Stolen happiness” by Viktyuk.
3. My favourite actress is Ada Rogovtseva.
4. I like theatre because it makes people think about life, the beauty around them, nature, and love of their country and its people.
I like it because it wakes up peoples feelings, such as kindness, admiration, and peace in the soul.
Painting makes the strongest and most beautiful impression on people, their feelings and thoughts.
The Tate Gallery
The Tate Gallery is the state national museum in London, keeping over sixty thousand works of art: painting, sculpture, figures and engravings.
The gallery was opened on July, 21st 1897.
The founder of this gallery was Henry Tate, a sugar manufacturer. He was a very rich man and collected paintings.
The idea of the Tate Gallery took shape in 1890. In that year Henry Tate gift of sixty-five paintings and two sculptures, almost all of them the work of Victorian contemporaries, was offered to the nation, but a gallery had still to be built to house them.
When opened seven years later, the Tate Gallery consisted of eight rooms, and was intended as a collection of contemporary British painting only; it was, moreover, a mere annex to the National Gallery, Trafalgar Square.
In 1897 the Tate Gallery was officially opened by the Prince of Wales (afterwards King Edward VII) - eight galleries housing British art. Later it had the status of the National Gallery of British art and the National Gallery of Modern Foreign Art. In 1955 the National Gallery and the Tate became independent institutions.
The Tate Gallery has become the national collection of British painting of periods, and in addition to this the national collection of modern foreign painting, and the national collection of modern sculpture, both British and foreign.
engraving |
гравіювання |
founder |
засновник |
a sugar manufacturer |
виробник цукру |
contemporary |
сучасний |
consist of |
складатися |
intend |
мати намір |
a mere annex |
просте доповнення |
foreign |
зарубіжний |
The Main Information.
The date of foundation |
The place of the gallery |
The architecture style |
The founder of the collection |
The number of paintings |
What countries are represented |
The most famous painters |
The importance of the gallery |
Lesson 2
The State Tretyakov Gallery
The State Tretyakov Gallery is a cultural and educational centre of Russia and a museum of Russian art.
It is housed in a two-storey building in Lavrushinsky by-street. The central part of the building was designed at the beginning of the century by the painter Vasnetsov.
The museum was founded in 1856 by Pavel Mikhalovich Tretyakov. He had been collecting pictures for 40 years and had a rich collection of Russian paintings.
In 1872 Tretyakov built a special gallery for his collection and in 1892 presented it to Moscow. There were 1000 paintings and 500 drawings in his collection then.
The gallery contains more than 56 thousand works today.
The collection reflects the history of Russian art, you can see icons of Rublev, portraits by Repin, Tropinin and Brullov, Russian landscapes by Shishkin, Savrassov and Levitan, historical canvases by Suricov and many others, as well as sculptures.
Recently the gallery has been reconstructed. A lot of visitors can admire its canvases again. The gallery also holds exhibitions of Russian masters and its Exhibition Hall which is popular both among muscovites and visitors to Moscow.
cultural and educational centre |
культурний та освітній центр |
two-storey building |
двоповерхова будівля |
was designed |
був спроектований |
was founded |
був заснований |
a rich collection |
багата колекція |
paintings and drawings |
картини та нариси |
contain |
містити |
reflect |
відображати |
landscape |
пейзаж |
admire |
любуватися |
exhibition |
виставка |
muscovite |
москвич |
1. Answer the questions:
1. Where is the Tretyakov gallery situated?
2. When was the gallery founded?
3. Why is it named after Tretyakov?
4. What can you see in the gallery today?
5. Where does the gallery hold its exhibitions?
6. Have you ever been to the Tretyakov Gallery?
7. When did you last go to the gallery?
Lesson 3
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo Da Vinci was a scientist, inventor and artist. He lived in Italy in the fifteenth century. Leonardo was born in the small town of Vinci (now central Italy) on April 15, 1452. He showed many talents as a young boy. He was well spoken and musically talented, and he had a great talent for art. In 1466 Leonardo became the apprentice of Andrea Del Verrocchio, one of the most popular painters and sculptors in Florence, Italy. He remained an apprentice for twelve years. In 1478 he became an independent master, an artist in his own right. As an independent master, he was hired to create paintings, with many being for churches in the area.
Leonardo Da Vinci was one of the greatest painters of his day, even though he only finished a small number of paintings. Among his most famous completed works are The Last Supper, The Vitruvian Man and The Mona Lisa.
scientist |
['saɪəntɪst] |
вчений |
inventor |
[ɪn'ventə] |
винахідник |
artist |
['ɑːtɪst] |
художник |
apprentice |
[ə'prentɪs] |
учень, підмайстер |
painter |
['peɪntə] |
художник |
sculptor |
['skʌlptə] |
скульптор |
remain |
[rɪ'meɪn] |
залишатися |
independent |
[ˌɪndɪ'pendənt] |
незалежний |
to be hired |
бути найманим |
create |
[krɪ'eɪt] |
творити |
church |
[ʧɜːʧ] |
церква |
The Last Supper |
Таємна Вечеря (остання спільна трапеза Христа та апостолів) |
1. Answer the questions.
2. True or false?
3. Complete word-combinations
Leonardo Da |
Andrea Del Verrocchio |
to create |
painters of his day |
well spoken and |
an independent master |
the apprentice of |
many talents |
most famous |
completed works |
become |
musically talented |
showed |
Vinci |
one of the greatest |
paintings |
- they are wonderful,
- they reflect lyrical beauty of nature
- they reflect beauty of peoples feelings
What a landscape! Oh, its a masterpiece, and who is the artist?
You mean the oil painting. This is “Rye» by Levitan.
Its marvelous. I am so impressed with the picture.
Dont you find this picture “Grove of Mast-trees” by Shishkin wonderful?
Oh, yes the picture is a record of reality. With what marvelous success and skill this picture is painted!
You know, what strikes me most in the picture is its glorious combination of colours.
Yes, the colours are rich. And the trees are so lifelike, so vivid.
What a nice flower-piece! The flowers are excellently presented.
Yes, they are so colourful and refreshing to the eye.
You see it is hard to tear oneself away from this canvas.
Lesson 4
Description of the painting.
to describe |
описувати |
plump |
пухкий |
to complete |
завершувати |
thin |
худий, тонкий |
mood |
настрій |
round |
круглий |
feel |
почуття |
triangular |
трикутний |
loneliness |
самотність |
square |
квадратний |
sadness |
сум |
pale |
блідий |
sorrow |
печаль |
red |
рудий |
gladness |
радість |
turned-up |
кирпатий |
boredom |
нудьга |
to make someone |
примусити когось |
main |
головний |
to wake up |
пробудити |
handsome |
привабливий |
kindness |
доброта |
ugly |
некрасивий |
admiration |
захоплення |
middle-aged |
середнього віку |
peace |
мир |
tall |
високий |
soul |
душа |
Lesson 5
be fond of go in for
be keen at
be interested in
Kinds of sport
Canoe / kayak
Modern pentathlon
Table tennis
People all over the world are fond of sports and games. Sport makes people healthy, keeps them fit, more organized and better disciplined. Some people go in for sports for their health and some for professional aims.
There are many stadiums, sports grounds, swimming pools, football fields in each town. Practically all kinds of sports are popular in our country, but football, figure-skating and tennis enjoy the greatest popularity.
A lot of people are fond of jogging. In the morning and in the evening we can see people jogging in the parks, stadiums and even in the streets.
In every school pupils spend much time going in for sports. First of all they have their physical training lessons. And after classes they may train different kinds of sport at different sports clubs and sections.
Professional sport is also paid much attention to in this country. Every year there are a lot of sports competitions, sports days and Olympiads.
Once in four years the Olympic Games take place in different countries. There are Summer and Winter Olympic Games. This is a great sport competition of the best sportsmen in the world.
As for me I go in for table tennis (ping-pong). It needs mobility, liveliness and much energy. It keeps a person in a good form. I have been playing tennis for five years, but the more I play the more I like it.
healthy |
здоровий |
keep fit |
підтримувати форму |
professional aim |
професійна мета |
jogging |
біг підтюпцем |
spend much time |
проводити багато часу |
physical training lessons |
уроки фізкультури |
train |
тренуватися |
pay much attention |
приділяти багато уваги |
sports competitions |
спортивні змагання |
take place |
проводити, мати місце |
liveliness |
жвавість |
Exercise 1. True or false?
Exercise 2. Answer the questions.
Exercise 3. Complete the word-combinations.
to have |
Olympic Games |
to go in for sports |
different kinds of sport |
to keep a person |
in a good form |
be fond of |
of the best sportsmen |
to pay much attention to |
physical training lessons |
Summer and Winter |
for ones health |
to train |
professional sports |
a great sport competition |
sports and games |
Lesson 6
The Olympic Games
The tradition of the Olympic Games runs back to ancient Greece. We know that the first Olympic Games took place in the town of Olympia more than 2700 years ago.
There was no war in the country for these five days when sports competitions took place.
It was a great athletic festival of wrestling, foot-racing, discus throwing and others.
The Games were organized and held up to the year of 393. Then, for more than 1700 years nothing was heard of the Olympiads.
The first modern Olympic Games were held in Athens in 1896. They take place every four years. The Games can not take place in a country which is at war. Thats why there were no Olympic Games during the two world wars.
Summer sports competitions take place in summer during the Summer Olympic Games.
The Winter Olympic Games are held the same year but in a different country.
Famous sportsmen are proud to participate in the Games. They compete in football, basketball, volleyball, boxing, weight-lifting, field athletics, gymnastics and many other kinds of sport.
At the Winter Olympic Games many teams from different countries take part in competitions in figure-skating, skiing, free-style, ice-hockey and other winter sports.
The Olympic Games are very popular in our country. All sports fans see the Games on TV and many of them see the events live and support their national team.
to run back |
походити від, пригадувати |
to take place |
проводитися |
sports competitions |
спортивні змагання |
wrestling |
боротьба |
foot-racing |
піші змагання |
discus throwing |
метання диску |
to hold up |
проводити |
war |
війна |
to be proud |
пишатися |
weight-lifting |
важка атлетика |
field athletics |
легка атлетика |
figure-skating |
фігурне катання |
skiing |
катання на лижах |
events |
події |
to support |
підтримувати |
Exercise 1. Fill in the chart.
The Olympic Games
The first Olympic Games in Greece |
The first modern Olympic Games |
The Summer Olympic Games |
The Winter Olympic Games |
The Olympic Games in our country (the sportsmen, the best results) |
Exercise 2. Answer the questions.
Lesson 7
Exercise 1. Write in play, go, or do.
_____ tennis ______ athletics ______football
_____ exercises ______ volleyball ______fishing
_____ jogging ______ aerobics ______skiing
Can you work out rules?
Exercise 2. Choose some of the sports or activity from your list and fill in the columns
sport/activity |
play, go or do? |
people |
place |
equipment |
football |
play |
goalkeeper footballer referee |
stadium football pitch |
ball boots |
Exercise 3. Read a story and continue to complete the columns.
My name is Suzanne. I love many sports, but best of all I like skiing. I first skied when I was 6 years old and lived in Canada. And then for many years I couldnt go skiing as I lived in hot places. But now I live in England and I began skiing again.
But the best place for me to ski now is Alps.
The equipment you need is skis, boots and poles. Clothes are very important too because they protect you from cold weather. You need a ski-suit, a hat, goggles to protect your eyes, socks, mittens.
I want to say that Im not the worlds greatest skier, Im a safe skier, but that doesnt stop you having a wonderful time.
Exercise 4. Arrange these words to make sentences.
Exercise 5. Check ( ) how often you do each of the things in the chart.
Every day |
Once or twice a week |
Sometimes |
Not very often |
Never |
do aerobics |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
go jogging |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
go swimming |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
do exercises |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
play basketball |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
go fishing |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
play football |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
□ |
Exercise 6. Work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.
What sports do you do?
Where do you do it?
How often…?
Are you good at...?
Exercise 7. Put different kinds of physical activity in the order of importance.
summer sports morning exercises
winter sports walking
jogging working in the garden
indoor games bodybuilding
outdoor games aerobics
Lesson 8
Do You Know How to Keep Fit?
In order to keep your muscle system in good shape, pay attention to your diet and take regular exercises. Exercise helps to build up the muscles and keep them strong to produce energy. Eat a lot of fruits, vegetables.
The muscle system needs protein to keep fit and healthy because it is mostly made of protein itself. There is a lot of protein in milk, eggs, fish, and meat.
You need regular exercise to be strong and healthy. As well as food your body needs rest. The best form of rest is sleeping in time.
Take care of yourself. Keep fit.
Exercise 1. Finish the sentences:
Pay attention to....
Exercise helps to build up....
Your body also needs a well-balanced....
Take care of...
Exercise 2. Answer the questions:
Lesson 9
Go in for sport Good nutrition
No bad habits Sleep 8 hours a day
(smoking, drinking)
good rest
good mood
Exercise 1. What habits are good and bad?
Bad habits Good habits
taking drugs
good night rest
physical inactivity
spending time on fresh air
sleeping too little
snacking, skipping breakfast
moderation in everything
physical activity
balanced dieting
drinking alcohol
Exercise 2. Translate the article.
Scientists believe that if we follow ten rules we can easily live to be a hundred.
1. Breakfast. Always start a day with a good breakfast.
2. Three meals. Always eat three meals a day.
3. Diet. Eat well. Eat a lot of fruit and vegetables, fish and chicken. Dont eat a lot of meat. Never eat fried food. Dont put sugar in your tea or coffee.
4. Alcohol. Dont drink a lot of alcohol. But a glass of wine sometimes with a meal is OK.
5. Coffee. Dont drink a lot of coffee.
6. Cigarettes. Every cigarette you smoke shortens your life. Stop smoking today.
7. Social life. People with a good social life often live longer. Married people usually live a long time. Dont stay at home. Go out. Get married.
8. Exercise. Do exercise or sport often to live longer.
9. Sleep. Sleep seven or eight hours a day.
10. Stress. Stress kills. Dont worry. Relax.
The Problem of Smoking
Smoking is the shortest way to bad health. Today half of the men and a quarter of the women in the world smoke.
The harm of tobacco smoke for women should be especially emphasized. Smoking may affect the course of pregnancy. Smoking women may bring into the world crippled or abnormal children.
Passive smoking is a serious health risk. It increases the chance of getting lung cancer and heart disease. The degree of risk depends on the extent and duration of exposure. Particularly there is a high risk among workers in the hospitality industries (bar staff, casino workers and other employees in workplaces where smoking is routine). It is estimated that passive smoking causes one premature death a week.
In our country there is the campaign to beat the cigarette habit. Special legislative, medical and educational measures are worked out. Instructions forbid smoking among schoolchildren. Lessons on the harm of smoking are included in courses of the anatomy, physiology and hygiene, the sale of cigarettes to minors is prohibited. Warnings against the harm of smoking are printed on packets of cigarette brands.
Think about your future and your childrens future.
harm |
шкідливість |
should emphasize |
варто підкреслити |
affect |
впливати |
pregnancy |
вагітність |
crippled or abnormal children |
діти-інваліди |
increase |
збільшувати |
lung cancer and heart disease |
рак легень та хвороба серця |
the degree of risk |
ступінь ризику |
extent and duration of exposure |
простір та довгота піддавання |
estimate |
підраховувати |
premature death |
передчасна смерть |
measures |
міри |
minors |
молодші |
Exercise 1. Answer the questions.
Exercise. Complete the word-combinations.
the harm of |
to bad health |
passive |
the cigarette habit |
the extent and duration |
of risk |
the shortest way |
of exposure |
crippled or abnormal |
death |
the chance of getting |
measures |
the campaign to beat |
tobacco smoke |
the degree |
children |
special |
smoking |
premature |
lung cancer and heart disease |
Lesson 10
What food should we eat to be healthy?
What things do you associate with the word “Food “
Vegetables Fruit
Potato Apricot
Tomato Orange
Carrot Banana
Cucumber Apple
Pepper Plum
Dairy products Drinks Meat
Butter Milk Chicken
Milk Coffee Beef
Cream Tea Lamb
Yoghurt Juice Pork
Cheese Yoghurt Turkey
Exercise 1. Make up as many sentences as possible using these words.
e.g. I usually drink tea for breakfast.
I always eat meat for dinner.
I like eating vegetable salad.
Exercise 2. Look at the list of products and write them down into two columns -Healthy food and unhealthy food.
Chocolate , eggs , sweets, nuts, cakes, fruit, butter, ice-cream, vegetables, milk.
Healthy food |
Unhealthy food |
Chocolate is unhealthy food because it contains a lot of sugar.
And much sugar is bad for our health.
Eggs, nuts, milk are healthy food because they give us a lot of energy.
Fruit and vegetables are healthy food because they contain a lot of vitamins.
They are good for our health.
Exercise 3. Translate the article.
Some secrets of good health
Garlic prevents heart disease.
Apricot is good for your skin.
Green tea protects your teeth.
Brown eggs are more nutritious than white eggs.
Onion is good for your nerves.
Eating raw goldfish helps to gain strength.
Milk strengthens your bones.
Banana is good for your muscles.
Cabbage may help prevent the development of cancer.
Carrots are good for your eyesight.
Milk is very good for children.
Eating only one type of food helps to loose weight.
Exercise 4. Look at the table and say how often does Sally have these food for breakfast
Always |
Usually |
Often |
Sometimes |
Never |
Once a week |
Twice a day |
Pizza |
V |
Cereal |
V |
Eggs |
V |
Sandwich |
V |
Bread roll |
V |
Fruit |
V |
Tea |
V |
Coffee |
V |
Milk |
V |
Meat |
Salad |
Potatoes |
Pasta |
e.g. She usually has pizza for breakfast
What do you usually have for breakfast (dinner, supper)?
How often do you drink milk?
How often do you eat fruit?
Exercise 5. Translate the text.
Alison is an English schoolgirl. She goes to school. English people always have breakfast in the morning. English breakfast is a very big meal sausages, bacon, eggs, tomatoes and mushrooms. But Alison never has breakfast in the morning. She sometimes eats chocolates, sweets and bread-rolls after the second lesson . She always feels very tired and ill at the lesson.
Are the sentences True or false :
-Alison is an English schoolgirl.
-She studies at the university.
-English people have a small breakfast.
-English people never have breakfast at home.
-Alison always has breakfast.
-She eats many sweets.
Exercise 6. Give your groupmates advice on what food to eat to be healthy
You should eat well;
shouldnt drink a lot of water;
eat lots of fruit;
eat hamburgers and pizzas because they are bad for our health
drink milk because it gives us energy and its good for our
eat too many biscuits.
Lesson 11
At the doctor
What is impossible to buy? The answer is health. I think youll agree that our health influences our life. It is impossible to be happy if you are not healthy. We dont always appreciate it but when we catch a cold or flue, or have a toothache we understand that our health is our wealth.
to be/ to keep in good health |
Бути/підтримувати гарне здоровя |
healthy |
здоровий |
How do you feel? |
Як себе почуваєш? |
to be taken ill |
Захворіти |
to fall ill with the grippe (measles etc) |
Злягти з грипом(кір) |
Consulting a Doctor
to consult / to see, to go to a doctor |
Підти на прийом до лікаря |
to send for / to call a doctor |
Викликати лікаря |
consulting- room |
Оглядовий кабінет |
consulting hours |
Години прийому |
ambulance |
Швидка допомога |
to call / to telephone for an ambulance |
Викликати швидку |
medical aid |
Медична допомога |
to give first aid |
Надати першу допомогу |
What is the matter with you? What is the trouble? |
Що з вами сталось? Що турбує? |
What is your complaint? |
На що скаржитеся? |
Patient's Complaints
Something is wrong with my ear (eye, etc) |
Щось не так з моїм вухом(оком, т.д.) |
to have/to feel a pain |
мати/відчувати біль |
headache |
Головний біль |
toothache |
Зубний біль |
earache |
Біль у вусі |
stomach - ache |
Біль у шлунку |
I have a sore throat (finger, leg, etc) |
В мене хворе горло (палець, нога, т.д) |
to catch a cold |
Застудитися |
sneeze |
Чхати |
fever |
Лихоманка, лихоманити |
to lose consciousness |
Втратити свідомість |
to break a leg (an arm etc) |
Зламати ногу (руку і т.д.) |
to cut one's finger |
Порізати палець |
heart attack |
Серцевий напад |
scald |
Опік |
swelling |
Пухлина |
diarrhoea |
Діарея |
bad / poor yesight |
Поганий зір |
Examining a patient
to examine a patient |
Оглядати пацієнта |
to listen to one's heart |
Прослухати серце |
to see one's tongue |
Подивитися язик |
to feel one's pulse |
Прослухати пульс |
to diagnose |
Посьавити діагноз |
to strip to the waist |
Роздягнутися до пояса |
to hold one's breath |
Затримати дихання |
to sound one's chest (lungs) |
Прослухати грудну клітину (легені) |
Medical Advice and Medical Treatment
to treat smb for some disease |
Лікувати когось від хвороби |
to keep ones bed |
Дотримуватися постільного режиму |
treatment |
Лікування |
to give smth for the flue (ones cough, headache) |
Дати щось від грипу (кашлю, головного болю) |
to prescribe |
Виписувати |
to follow the doctor's instructions |
Слідувати порадам лікаря |
diet, to be on/ to keep /a diet |
Дієта, бути на дієті |
to operate, to be operated on |
Оперувати, бути прооперованим |
to pull out a tooth |
Вирвати зуб |
to have a blood test taken |
Зробити аналіз крові |
to be X-rayed |
Зробити рентген |
to take one's blood-pressure |
Виміряти кровяний тиск |
injection ( of some medicine) |
Інєкція |
to gargle one's throat |
Полоскати горло |
At the Chemist's
chemist's shop |
Аптека |
mixture |
Мікстура |
pills / tablets |
Таблетки |
drops |
Краплі |
ointment |
Мазь |
plaster |
Пластир |
mustard plaster |
Гірчичник |
valerian drops |
Краплі валеріани |
Names of Specialists
physician |
Терапевт |
surgeon |
Хірург |
ear, nose and throat specialist |
Лор |
eye - specialist = oculist |
Окуліст |
nerve specialist |
Невропатолог |
dentist |
Дантист |
childrens doctor |
Педіатр |
Names of Diseases
The flu (e) |
Грип |
Measles |
Кір |
Pneumonia |
Пневмонія |
Scarlet fever |
Скарлатина |
Tuberculosis |
Туберкульоз |
Quinsy |
Ангіна |
Appendicitis |
Апендицит |
Asthma |
Астма |
Cancer |
Рак |
Cholera |
Холера |
Concussion of the brain |
Струс мозку |
Constipation |
Запор |
Mumps |
Свинка |
Plague |
Чума |
Typhoid fever |
Серевний тиф |
Chicken-pox |
Вітрянка |
Cramp |
Спазм, судорога |
Exrecise 1. Translate the words.
Exrecise 2. Translate the dialogues.
Patient: I have an awful toothache.
Dentist Would you open your mouth, please.
Patient The tooth gives me a sharp pain.
Dentist Well, no treatment will help your bad tooth. It has to be pulled out.
Patient Where have I to go?
Dentist Go to the dental surgery. The surgeon will pull your bad tooth out.
Doctor Whats the matter?
Patient Im quite ill.
Doctor What are your symptoms?
Patient I feel very weak and have a nigh temperature since yesterday.
Doctor What is your temperature?
Patient Two hours ago it was 37.8 (thirty-seven point eight).
Doctor I must examine you. Your throat is inflamed. Yes, youve caught cold.
You have to lie down and use a gargle and some medicine.
Patient How long have I to stay in bed?
Doctor I think you will recover in a few days. Dont forget to gargle your
Throat as often as you can and take the medicine three times a day.
Lesson 12
Exrecise 1. Write a short story about your last visit to the doctor.
Patients symptoms |
A doctor |
A doctors actions |
Diagnosis |
Terrible cough |
A dentist |
To examine |
Flue |
Pills |
Splitting headache |
An oculist |
To take ones temperature |
Cold |
drops |
Stomach-ache |
A physician |
To test ones blood pressure |
Pneumonia |
Injections |
Sore throat |
Ear, nose and throat specialist |
To write a prescription |
Appendicitis |
Gargle |
Toothache |
A dermatologist |
To have an injection |
Otitis |
To keep ones bed |
Running nose |
A surgeon |
To operate on somebody |
Chicken pox |
Mustard plasters |
High temperature |
To feel ones pulse |
Indigestion |
Earache |
To fill ones tooth |
Rash |
To sound ones chest, heart lungs |
Diarrhea |
An eye sore |
My last visit to the doctor.
Exrecise 2. Read and translate the text.
Once an old gentleman went to see a doctor. The doctor examined him and said: "Medicine won't help you. You must have a complete rest. Go to a quiet country place for a month, go to bed early, drink milk, walk a lot, and smoke only one cigar a day."
"Thank you very much," said the old gentleman. "I shall do everything you say."
A month later the gentleman came to the doctor again. "How do you do?" said the doctor. "I am very glad to see you. You look much younger."
“Oh, doctor,” said the old gentlemen. “I feel quite well now. I had a good rest, I went to bed early, I drank a lot of milk, I walked a lot. Your advice helped me. But you told me to smoke one cigar a day, and that cigar a day almost killed me at first. Its not a joke to start smoking at my age.”
1. Answer the questions:
2. Complete the word-combinations
The doctors |
early |
to start |
well |
go to bed |
a lot |
have a complete |
advice |
feel quite |
milk |
Thank you |
one cigar a day |
quiet country |
very much |
walk |
smoking |
drink |
place |
smoke only |
rest |
3. True or false?
1. Once a young gentleman went to see a doctor.
2. The doctor examined him and said: "Medicine won't help you.
3. A week later the gentleman came to the doctor again.
4. “Oh, doctor,” said the old gentlemen. “I feel quite bad now.
5. Your advice helped me.
Lesson 13
There is nothing more important than health. I hope you agree with me. If your body suffers from any disorder, your mind suffers with the body, too. You can't be good either at work or at studies. Aches and pains lead to irritation, nervous breakdown, exhaustion and apathy.
Doctors treat patients. If you have a headache, toothache, backache, stomach-ache, if you have a sore ear, a sore throat, an eye or finger sore, if you feel pain in any part of your body, if it hurts you to move you need help. First of all you ought to turn to your physician.
The doctor will examine you carefully: feel your pulse, sound your chest, heart and lungs, test your blood pressure and prescribe the medicine if necessary. The only thing you have to do is to follow his directions.
irritation |
роздратування |
nervous breakdown |
нервовий зрив |
exhaustion |
виснаження |
be exhausted |
бути виснаженим |
apathy |
апатія |
physician |
терапевт |
Exercise 1. Answer the following questions.
1. Is health the most important factor in our life?
2. Can you work or study properly (належним чином) if your body suffers from any disorder?
3. Tell us about your general condition (самопочуття) if you fall ill with the grippe.
4. When do you consult a dentist?
5. When do you consult an eye doctor?
6. What specialist do you consult if your leg, foot or arm hurt?
7. To what doctor should you go first of all if you feel bad: a high temperature, a headache, a cough etc.?
8. What does your physician examine?
9. Does he prescribe you any medicine if necessary?
10. Do we have to follow the doctor's directions?
Exercise 2. Translate into Ukrainian.
1. Our physician is very good. She is very experienced and attentive.
2. You look bad. You should take your temperature and call your local doctor at once.
3. Have you tested your blood pressure? Not yet.
4. My niece is running a high temperature. She has a bad sore throat. We are very much worried about her. She needs a check up immediately.
5. My neighbour's son caught diphtheria and was taken to the hospital. Diphtheria is a dangerous and catching disease.
6. I caught a bad cold. Every hour I had a cup of hot tea, honey and black currant jam.
7. My friend's husband fell down and broke his right leg. Now he can't walk and we had to call our surgeon.
8. The metro escalator suddenly stopped. Many passengers fell down and got bad injuries (сильные ушибы). I injured my left arm and it hurts badly.
9. Who is your doctor? Dr. Williams. He is said to be very good.
10. Everybody said that you looked very healthy.
Can I make an appointment with the doctor for this afternoon?
Are you our patient?
Yes, it'll be my third visit.
All right, sir. Will 5 p.m. suit you?
Yes, it will be fine.
What's your name and address, please?
Here is my card.
Thank you, sir.
Doctor: Come in, please. What are your complaints?
Patient: I've got a sore throat and a cough.
D: Are you running a temperature?
P: No, I'm not. I have a splitting headache. I think I'm starting a cold. What can you recommend?
D: Let me examine you. I suggest that you take something for your headache and the cough.
P: Will you write out a prescription?
D: By all means (обовязково). You will get the medicine at the nearest chemist's. You should stay in bed for a couple of days and take the medicine three times a day.
P: I'll follow your advice, Doc. Many thanks.
D: I wish you a speedy recovery.
P: Good-bye.
D: Good-bye.
Exercise 3. Ask questions and give answers according to the speech patterns. Use the dialogue.
Что случилось с вашим сыном? Он заболевает.
What is wrong with your son? He is starting a cold.
Что случилось с вашей сестрой? У неё сильное переутомление.
What's wrong with your sister? She is exhausted.
Что случилось с вашей племянницей? У неё температура.
What's wrong with your niece? She is running a temperature.
Что случилось с Петей? У него очень болит голова.
Что случилось с Аней? У неё болит горло.
Что с Вами случилось? У меня болит зуб.
Что случилось с вашим мужем? У него высокая температура.
Что случилось с Томом? У него сильный кашель.
Что случилось с Тедом и Сэмом? Они очень устали.
Revise the verbs
1. injure v. ушибить(ать) injure п. ушиб
2. hurt v. [h3:t] повредить, болеть
I fell down and injured my left shoulder. Now it hurts badly.
What's wrong with your leg? It hurts and I can't walk. I fell down in the forest and injured it badly.
You should make an appointment with our surgeon.
Yes, I'll follow your advice. Thank you.
At the dentist's
Patient: Good morning, doctor. One of my front teeth is loose, and there is a tooth at the back that wants treatment.
Dentist: I'm very sorry, but I'm afraid you'll have to have the front tooth out. Has the other one been very troublesome?
P: Yes, for the last few weeks, but today the pain seems to be easier.
D: Does this tooth pain you when I touch it like that?
P: No, it doesn't.
D: Then you must have the bad tooth stopped. So the front tooth has to be pulled out and the back one stopped.
P: All right, doctor.
loose adj. (зд.) шатается
to have the front tooth out удалить передний зуб
The front tooth has to be pulled out. Передний зуб должен быть удалён.
troublesome adj. болезненный
trouble п. беда, неприятность
You must have the bad tooth stopped. Вы должны запломбировать больной зуб.
Lesson 14
Life of Youth in Ukraine
Youth is the future of our country.
Are all young people alike? Of course, not. But they have got similar problems.
They want to go their own way, have their own style of clothes, even their own language youth slang.
They want to be independent from their parents and teachers. But they dont know how to do that. Often parents are too busy earning money for bringing up and educating their children. They cant give their children attention and understanding.
Thats why teenagers easily come under the influence of other people. They find idols among famous singers, sportsmen, actors and politicians. They try to copy them blindly from hairstyles and clothes to bad habits as smoking and even using drugs.
Young people are crazy about music. They organize their own fan clubs.
But a lot of them are talented, creative.
Young people dream of highly-paid jobs, of better life. They are in studying foreign languages and have excellent computer-operating skills.
Some of them are interested in politics.
Many youth clubs and organizations are founded which unite young people according to their interests.
Youth is really the future of our country.
similar problems |
Схожі проблеми |
to be independent |
Бути незалежним |
bringing up |
Виховання |
attention |
Увага |
come under the influence |
Піддаватися впливу |
bad habits |
Погані звички |
highly-paid job |
Високо оплачувана робота |
be founded |
Бути заснованим |
Exercise 1. Translate the text into Ukrainian.
True or False |
1. All young people are alike. 2. Young people know how to become independent from their parents and teachers. 3. Yong people are crazy about music. 4. Yong people do not dream of better life. 5. Yong people find idols. 6. Young people do not copy their idols. 7. Young people are not interested in anything. |
Exercise 3. Youre a participant of a Summer Language Retreat. Young people from different countries gathered here. Tell your new friends in the Retreat about the life of youth in Ukraine. Make a plan.
A theme for a discussion
What is your opinion to:
Lesson 15
Youth Organizations in Ukraine
In Ukraine there are more than 5000 associations, funds, unions, charity organizations, ecological organizations, movements, clubs, centers, branches of international organizations.
Youth organizations occupy a special place among this variety.
I am sure that society should pay more attention to them because children and young people are the future of our society.
According to the Law of Ukraine about Youth Organizations the aim of all organizations for youth and children is to satisfy and protect legal social, economic, creative, spiritual and other common interests of their members.
These organizations help to bring up the younger generation, develop active civic position, and develop the best qualities and traits of character. They teach young people to become leaders and they involve them in different kinds of activities: political, social, ecological, cultural, and sport.
Working together the young people learn how to love and protect their motherland, they learn how to become real citizens of their country.
It should be noted that the organizations for youth and children can unite young people from one class, school, district, town, region.
The most numerous organizations are the Students' League, Young Socialists, Green Peace, The League of Ukrainian Youth, Sokil, Ukrainian Youth Environmental League, Youth Congress of Ukrainian Nationalists, Eastern-Ukrainian Union of Youth Organisations (VUSMO), Ukrainian Scouts and various youth clubs which unite young people according to their interests.
In conclusion Id like to say that its great to be a member of some organization, to communicate with those who share your ideas.
occupy |
Займати |
aim |
Мета |
to satisfy |
Задовольняти |
spiritual |
Духовний |
the best qualities and traits of character |
Найкращі якості та риси характеру |
protect motherland |
Захищати Вітчизну |
according |
Відповідно до |
share |
Розділяти |
Exercise 1. Answer the questions.
Exercise 2. True or false?
1. In Ukraine there are more than 5000 associations, funds, unions, charity organizations, ecological organizations, movements, clubs, centers, branches of international organizations.
2. I am sure that society shouldnt pay more attention to them because children and young people are the future of our society.
3. According to the Law of Ukraine about Youth Organizations the aim of all organizations for youth and children is to satisfy and protect illegal social, economic, creative, spiritual and other common interests of their members.
4. It should be noted that the organizations for youth and children can not unite young people from one class, school, district, town, region.
5. The most numerous organization is Ukrainian Scouts.
Lesson 16
Teenagers and Their Problems
There are many young people in our country. Teenagers are a group of young people of the age of thirteen nineteen years old.
Im fifteen so I belong to that group. There are many problems, which are common for all young people. For example: how to spend free time, what to do after finishing school, how to deal with the classmates and parents. The problem number one is the problem of fathers and sons. All teens want to be independent, we dont like when our parents try to rule every step of our life. Our parents dont like our clothes and our music. They often try to treat us like small children. But if you really want to solve this problem you must try to understand each other.
Some teens begin smoking and drinking alcohol to show that they are grown-ups already. This will lead to poor health in future (especially for girls). I dont like smoking (nobody smokes in our family) and I think you mustnt do it to look like a cool guy.
The most serious problem nowadays is taking drugs and AIDS (the disease when the bodys immune system is not working).
I think that every teen must go into sports or have a hobby, and know that you are responsible for your life by yourself.
Exercise 1. Answer the questions:
1. What people do we call teenagers?
2. What problems do young people have?
3. What is the problem of of fathers and sons?
Exercise 2. True or false
Exercise 3. Complete the word-combinations:
to spend |
the classmates and parents |
to treat us |
every step of our life |
teens begin |
this problem |
lead to |
free time |
to deal with |
like small children |
to rule |
a cool guy |
taking |
poor health |
the problem of |
drugs and AIDS |
to solve |
smoking and drinking alcohol |
to look like |
fathers and sons |
Exercise 4. Finish the sentences:
1. Teenagers are a group of young people …
2. Teenagers problems are: …
3. The problem number one is …
4. Some teens begin …
5. The most serious problem nowadays …
Exercise 5. Complete the text about yourself.
How do you spend your free time? |
What problems do you have as a teen? |
What are your aims? |
What are your hobbies? |
Go to the cinema, disco, nightclub |
Lack of money |
Get a good education |
Music (pop, rap, R&B, classic, emo, club music) |
Communicate with my friends |
The problem of fathers and sons |
Get a good job |
Dancing (classic, hip-hop, break-dance, Latin, ballroom dances) |
Run the internet |
Teenagers cruelty |
Have a good family |
Sport (swimming, basketball, football) |
Play computer games |
Smoking |
Become a famous sportsman, dancer, etc |
Literature (classic, modern, English) |
Help parents about the house |
Drinking alcohol |
Painting (portrait, landscape) |
Go in for sport |
Taking drugs |
I am a teenager
My name is Oleg. I am fifteen years old. I am a teenager. I study at the Coke-Chemical technical school. My future profession will be a mechanic.
I want to tell you how I spend my free time. I usually go to the cinema “Olympus”, nightclub “Hollywood” at weekends. On weekdays I run the internet, play computer games, help my parents about the house.
As a teenager I have such problems: lack of money to buy new clothes, go to the disco; the problem of fathers and sons because sometimes my parents dont understand me.
My aim now is to get a good education. I want to be a skilled, well-educated specialist to have a chance of getting a good job.
My hobby is basketball. It keeps me fit, gives a lot of energy and pleasure. I train hard and do my best. Sport is a great thing and I recommend you to try it.
I am a teenager
My name is ... I am … years old. I am a teenager. I study at the Coke-Chemical technical school. My future profession will be ...
I want to tell you how I spend … I usually… at weekends. On weekdays I ...
As a teenager I have such problems: …
My aim now is …
My hobby is …
Lesson 17
Exercise1. Translate into Ukrainian.
Natasha Korolyova… When I hear this name I just smile. Because I am a teacher, an adult person, personality. When I was 15 years old, she was my idol. I listened to her songs, watched her videoclips, read her interviews. I tried to know more about my favorite singer, about her private life, her sorrows and happiness. I wanted to look like her, to have such haircut, to wear suck clothes, and so on. My dream was to go to her concert. Bur it was very difficult, because I did not live in Moscow. My room was full of her posters, new cassets. But it was a great time, because I had a person to admire.
Exercise 2. Lets make a mind map according to our lesson:
Who are idols?
Моделі політики актори
Models Politicians Actors
Singers Groupmates Sportsmen
співаки одногрупники спортсмени
What characteristic does he (she) have?
соромязливий відомий чесний хоробрий сильний прекрасний талановитий
Shy Well-known Honest Brave Strong Beautiful Talented
IDOL is |
агресивний балакучий дурний розумний невідомий егоїст | Aggressive Talkative Foolish Intelligent Unknown Self-centered
What does idol give you?
спосіб самовираження
інтерес The way to сенс життя
Interest express yourself Sense of life
IDOL gives me |
Pleasure The way to The way to spend
задоволеня find friends free time
спосіб знайти друзів спосіб провести вільний час
Exercise 3.
Do you agree that:
A person who has an idol
- doesnt have his own personality;
- forget about his problems, but reminds about idols ones;
- waist time watching and reading the interviews with an idol,
watching matches or listening to the songs
- spoils his life
Do you agree that:
A person who has an idol
- can improve yourself
- has a good way of spending time
- has a chance to find friends according to the interests
- can make his life more interesting
- can get a lot of good character traits
The Beatles
The Beatles were John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison,
and Ringo Starr. They were from Liverpool. Two years after their first record in 1962, they were the most famous group in the world: in March 1964, Beatles' records had the top five places in the US charts; The whole world seemed to go crazy about the Beatles: not just about their music, but about their hair, the way they talked. Their music was full of a new kind of energy and Lennon and McCartney wrote great songs, always trying to do new things.
Between 1963 and 1969, The Beatles had eighteen number one hits in the UK. But they stopped playing in front of people in 1966. After that they only made records. Then they started to disagree, and they stopped working together completely in 1970. In 1980, a man killed John Lennon in a street in New York, so the Beatles can never play a concert together again. But the Beatles' music will always live. The Beatles gave something new and exciting to pop.
Michael Jackson
The biggest superstar of the eighties was Michael Jackson. Michael Jackson was already a star when he was six, making hit records with his brothers in The Jackson Five. When he was older, he made more hits. He was a wonderful dancer: he had a new dance called the Moonwalk. Pop videos were becoming almost as important as pop records and Jackson's videos were new and exciting. He was also a clever businessman. He was already rich when he bought the Beatles1 songs and these made him even richer. By the end of the eighties, Jackson was the richest star in pop. His life was very different from the life of most people. He lived alone in a big house, with animals and children as his friends. Michael Jackson is still making his records, but it is now more difficult for him to be as popular as he was in the eighties.
The other eighties superstar was Madonna. Madonna, more than any woman singer before, decided what she did and controlled what she did. She, too, was a very good dancer and, like Michael Jackson, her music was loud, fast, exciting disco music. She said that sex was an important way for women to be free. And in her videos, which helped the songs to do well, Madonna often showed herself in control of men. Thousands of people went to see her; she made films; she was always on TV. Madonna showed the way to other women in pop and many are now following.
Lesson 18
Mass media play an important part in our everyday life.
We watch TV; listen to the radio, read newspaper and magazines.
Mass media are the main source of information and the most widespread.
Some people consider mass media the 3-rd branch of government.
1). What are mass media for you?
2). Do you often watch TV; listen to the radio, read newspapers?
3). What Ukrainian mass media do you know?
4). Do you treat оur Ukrainian mass media? Why?
My favorite TV programmе
Many people watch TV at leisure. One can choose the programme one likes best. Those who like music can listen to various concerts. Sport fans can watch football or hockey matches. Television extends our knowledge about the world in which we live. Millions of people can see different lands, new plants, unusual animals and birds, mountains and valleys. My favourite TV programme is «Travellers Club». It is a weekly programme. It is broadcast on Sundays. This programme is very popular in our country. They show many historical places, tell interesting facts about different countries and cities, broadcast interviews with famous travellers, scientists and journalists. I like this programme and try not to miss it.
Exercise 1. Read and translate the text.
Exercise 2. Write a short story according to the plan.
1. I like television because
2. I watch TV
3. My favorite TV programme is ….
4. This is a weekly programme
daily programme
5. This programme shows …
6. I like this TV programme because …
Lesson 19
Newspapers and magazines.
Newspaper is a publication that presents and comments on the news. Newspapers play an important play in shaping public opinion and forming people of current events.
Magazine is a collection of articles and stories. Usually magazines also contain illustrations.
As for me I like to read the following newspapers: “Vetchirni Kiev” (“Evening Kiev”), “Nezavisimost” (“Independence”), “Argumenty i Facty” (“Arguments and Facts”), magazines: “Natali”, “Cool-girl”, etc. Newspapers may be daily or weekly, magazines may be weekly, monthly and quarterly.
My favourite newspaper is “ Argumenty i Facty”. It has a circulation of more than 25. 000. 000. I is the largest in the world. The newspapers contain and give coverage of local home and foreign news. Their publications are about very burning problems of our history, latest events and forecast for future. They also touch upon cultural, sport news. They resume different points of view, approaches to the problems. My parents and I subscribe to some periodicals, so we are subscribers. We buy some of newspapers and magazines in kiosk.
public opinion громадська думка
current events теперішні події
collection збірка
to contain містити
circulation тираж
to give coverage розкривати
forecast прогноз
to touch upon торкатися
to approaches підходити
to subscribe виписувати
Exercise1. Answer the questions:
Exercise 1. I imagine that you are an editor.
What magazine or newspaper do you publish?
Write a short story according to the theme.
“The best newspaper (magazine)”
( political news, economical news, news about youth life, music news, cinema news, local news, etc).
5. Does it contain illustrations, interviews, articles, weather forecast,
horoscope, anecdotes?
Exercise 2. Make up a dialoque using the words:
Lesson 20
The Internet: is it always safe?
At present we cannot imagine our life without the Internet. The Internet is necessary for each person. It is an integral part of our life. All people use the Internet on different purposes: for dialogue, for searching the information, for work, for studying, for fun and entertainment. We search something with the help of the searching engine. I think that the most important problem of the Internet is the addiction of people to it. Some people surf the Internet for many days and forget about their relatives and real life.
Nevertheless the Internet has many pluses. By means of the Internet it is possible to meet new friends, to communicate with them. You can find any information, learn main news.
Meanwhile the Internet has minuses. These are viruses. And as I have already mentioned, it`s The Internet addiction, which breaks people`s life. Also sometimes the speed of the Internet is very low, so it`s impossible to use it in an effective way.
As for me, the Internet is a dialogue, searching for various information. The Internet is very important and also it is a necessary thing.
imagine |
Уявляти |
necessary |
Необхідно |
different purposes |
Різні цілі |
searching the information |
Пошук інформації |
entertainment |
Розваги |
addiction |
Залежність |
mentioned |
Зазначений |
low |
Низький |
Exercise 1. Answer the questions?
Exercise 2. Fill in the chart
Your purpose of running the Internet |
How much time do you spend on it everyday? |
Do you have an addiction to it? |
Pluses of the Internet for you |
Minuses of the Internet for you |
What is the future of the Internet? |
What site would you like to create? What is it about? |