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11 kw t rted voltge 220B nd nominl frequency of network 50Hz; Nominl slip 76 ; Rtio of strting current 31; Rtio of n ccelerting torque 0415; Efficiency 0742; Power coe

Работа добавлена на сайт samzan.net:


 During fulfilment of outlet qualifying activity pursuant to a task the asynchronous condenser engine is designed. During calculations the following parameters are obtained:

Nominal capacity - 1,1 kw, at rated voltage 220B and nominal frequency of a network 50Hz;

Nominal slip - 7,6 %;

Ratio of a starting current - 3,1;

Ratio of an accelerating torque - 0,415;

Efficiency - 0,742;

Power coefficient - 0,994,

The parameters of a main and auxiliary winding are determined, the vectograms of the engine are constructed, the losses of the engine are determined.

 The thermal calculation has shown, that for insulants of the class of a heat-resistance In, used in the engine obtained of excess of temperatures not above permissible.

 The mechanical calculation of the arbor has shown, that the used arbor provides a reliable operation of the engine.

 During fulfilment of a technological part of activity, a problem by which one is the mining of a master schedule of machine work of a bench, were conducted of calculation of machining allowances of a surface under landing of a stator, the enroute technology is designed, the loading of the equipment is counted.

 In an economical part of activity are counted cost accounting of effecting of the given engine. The high value of constant costs is marked, that is explained in high percent of an overhead expense adopted on the open joint-stock company «SibElectroMotor».

 In section safety and ecological of the project the analysis of the dangerous and parasitic factors having a place on a site(segment) of machine work of a bench is made. The analysis of the causes of a traumatism is conducted, and also the measures on technical safety of habitability of the person, fire safety, manufacturing sanitary, on a labour safety and and environment are determined.

 During fulfilment of a special part of outlet qualifying activity the analysis of a capability of calculation of figure of merits of condenser engines by results of giving - acceptance tests was made. The analysis has shown, that such calculation is possible, but is labour-consuming.


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