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18 yers two week lnguge cmp The im of ldquo;fRilinguerdquo; is the combintion of lnguge courses French nd English in the morning with free time ctivities such s sport music dnce thetre nd ci

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WS14CU01   06/04/14 – 20/04/14  SPRING CAMP EDU/KITCH

WS14CU02  20/04/14 – 03/05/14  SPRING CAMP        EDU/KITCH


The goal of the group “fRilingue” is to offer teenagers (age: 10 -18 years) a two week language camp. The aim of “fRilingue” is the combination of language courses (French and English) in the morning with free time activities such as sport, music, dance, theatre and cinema in the afternoons. A cool bath in the lake of Neuchatel, trips or workshops in the afternoons and on the weekend the group will discover the region. The youngsters will learn outside or in tents if the weather is bad.


The main work of the volunteers will be the preparation of the daily meals (breakfasts, lunches, dinners). Together with a cook they organise the menu schedule, do the shopping and wash the dishes afterwards. Volunteers will also do housekeeping and cleaning rooms, showers and toilets.  It would be helpful if volunteers know how to prepare a meal for a bigger group.


During the spring camps, Volunteers will sleep in dormitories. It is very simple, but there is a kitchen, toilets and showers.


The village Cudrefin is a getaway and holiday resort on the boarder of the lake of Neuchâtel.

There is an infrastructure for tourists with holiday houses, camping ground, a swimming beach

and two big sailing harbours.


Volunteers should have interest in leading a group of young people. We are looking for mayor

persons. The group fRilingue is looking for people who like sport and creative activities and who like to support youngsters in their own talents. Volunteers should be able to prepare a meal. The international Workcamps consist of small groups of 4 Volunteers, additionally they will work together with Swiss Volunteers from fRilingue. If you are interested to be a part of this workcamp please send a short motivation letter. Age: 18+!


Volunteers will get to know the magic region of Cudrefin. Twice a week, they will accompany

the adolescents on an afternoon journey to the close by region. On the weekends longer excursions are planned. The evenings will involve social events where the volunteers can participate and enjoy.


French/English (Affinity for French language!)

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